Region of opportunity 2

Peloponnese, Greece

Peloponnese, Greece

Water reuse sector:
Industrial water and material reuse

Leading partner: 


  • In the Peloponnese region, beverage and dairy industries are notable water consumers, generating approximately 1 million m3/year of wastewater.
  • Despite being water-scarce, incentives for water reuse exist, yet only 6% to 7% of secondary treated wastewater is currently repurposed within these sectors.
  • There’s substantial potential to enhance value through wastewater and organic solid waste utilization in agriculture and the feed sector.

Expected benefits:

  • Identify innovative WACES (Water Circular Economy Solutions)
  • for water and solids reuse from local beverage and dairy industries.
  • Decrease water consumption and treatment costs while reducing the environmental impacts of discharges.
  • Enhance public and stakeholder acceptance of industrial water reuse initiatives.