Region of opportunity 1

Andalusia, Spain

Andalusia, Spain

Water reuse sector:
Municipal water reuse in agriculture

Leading partner: 


  • Andalusia is a water-scarce region with a local strategy prioritising water reuse for agricultural irrigation. The Regional Circular Economy Action Plan, endorsed in 2018, underscores this commitment.
  • Despite the potential, water reuse remains vastly underutilized, with just 6% of treated wastewater repurposed, as reported by the INE.

Expected benefits:

  • Identification of innovative WACES (Water Circular Economy Solutions)
  • ) to facilitate the reuse of currently unused wastewater.
  • Adaptation to EU regulation constraints, including the development of risk management plans, to ensure compliance and sustainability.
  • Boost uptake by regional WACES operators through knowledge sharing from local Research and Development initiatives.
  • Enhance public acceptance of agricultural water reuse through educational resources, case studies, and success stories showcased on the website.