Project Structure

WP1 establishes a framework and selection process for identifying and assessing Water and Circular Economy Solutions (WACES). It includes scouting and profiling WACES from past and current initiatives, creating a Europe-wide innovation map for the sector, and evaluating chosen solutions’ impacts on the environment, economy, and society in local contexts.
In WP2, partners will create roadmaps to address social perceptions of water reclamation and reuse. These efforts aim to raise awareness among various water users and the public. The package will also feature action plans to change citizen behaviour and perceptions, promoting the adoption of WACES (Water Circular Economy Solutions).
WP3 focuses on creating a policy assessment framework for analyzing WACES (Water and Circular Economy Solutions). It aims to assess their regional potential and alignment with EU policy objectives. The package will define end-of-waste criteria for Circular Economy water products and develop guidelines for risk management plans in regional water reuse contexts.
WP4 aims to accelerate solution adoption, develop replicable business models, set quality standards, and guide Circular Economy innovators. It involves analyzing markets and competition for selected WACES (Water and Circular Economy Solutions) to inform targeted engagement strategies.
Work Package 5 aims to raise awareness of project objectives and achievements through engaging digital and printed materials. Stakeholders will engage in networking events, and a Decision Support Toolkit will be developed. Project communication will be enhanced, highlighting achievements via digital and print media, maintaining stakeholder engagement, and will populate the Water Europe Marketplace with new WACES (Water Circular Economy Solutions). A final EU-level conference will ensure maximum outreach.
Work Package 6 focuses on ensuring smooth project execution and alignment with objectives. Decision-making bodies will coordinate project direction, manage aspects like Data and IP, and maintain internal communication. In this Work Package, BOOST-IN will continue to be monitored, emphasizing quality control, risk assessment, and coordination among consortium partners.