BOOST-IN at a glance

Pioneering water sustainability in europe

What is BOOST-IN?

BOOST-IN is an EU-funded project dedicated to implementing a successful strategy to promote technological changes, governance schemes, shifts in mindset and organizational structures the water sector needs to become circular. The project will help the transition from a wasteful, linear way of handling water to a circular economy. This means seeing water not just as something to use and discard, but as a precious resource that can be reused, recycled, and valued in many ways, from powering our homes to growing our food.

Main objectives

Transfer innovative Water Circular Economy Solutions

Transfer innovative Water Circular Economy Solutions

Close water cycles effectively

Close water cycles effectively

Reuse water resources

Reuse water resources

Support entrepreneurship in the water sector

Support entrepreneurship in the water sector

Advocate policy changes to facilitate circular economy practices

Advocate policy changes to facilitate circular economy practices

Our mission is to transform the water sector into a circular, sustainable system. We will do this by sharing innovative solutions and real-life success stories: think recycling water, capturing energy from wastewater, and turning what used to be waste into valuable resources.

How will this be achieved?

The BOOST-IN project will identify Water Circular Economy Solutions (WACES) through the following ways:

  • Learning from others: Use lessons from past European research and innovation projects to help spread these innovations in specific regions and across Europe, aiming to make policies and markets more supportive.

  • Finding, Sorting, and Mapping: Identify solutions with the highest potential for success and adapt them to 6 selected regions (Spain, Greece, Germany, France, Italy and Bulgaria).

  • Collaborating with Local Stakeholders: Engage with stakeholders in workshops to enhance the appeal of solutions and address social barriers to their adoption.

  • Training and Educating: Develop training materials and courses to bridge knowledge gaps about the solutions for young professionals.

Bringing solutions to the market

To facilitate the implementation of solutions, BOOST-IN will:

  • engage with policymakers and public agencies

  • provide innovators with the necessary support to promote market uptake

  • enable knowledge sharing and networking between innovators, investors and stakeholders

The Call