The BOOST-IN project was presented by Rafael Casielles, Bioazul, during the CIRSEAU cluster workshop on “Building a Water-Smart Economy: How Circular Economy Solutions Contribute to Ensuring Water Resilience and Security.” Held at BluePoint, the workshop ran from 9:00 to 14:45, featuring presentations and panel discussions.
The event emphasized the importance of water resilience in transforming water from a global systemic crisis into an opportunity for sustainable development. Integrated and smart water management is essential for shifting from crisis management to risk-based management, ensuring water quality and quantity across all economic and environmental domains.
The workshop highlighted success stories in developing a water-smart circular economy. It underscored the significance of the Water-Energy-Food-Ecosystem (WEFE) nexus, water efficiency, and water security for energy, food, and industrial processes. Additionally, it explored water as a resource for extracting critical raw materials.
The CIRSEAU cluster, comprising five H2020 projects with 35 case studies and an EU contribution of EUR 84 million, aims to increase water security, enhance resilience to climate change, and promote a circular economy. The workshop showcased how these projects contribute to EU policy implementation, fostering a water-resilient Europe through circular water management and innovative business models.